on dao, nature and npc's '

Jul 01, 2024

what does it mean to b aligned with dao ? '

for me, it means to b aligned with nature via one's /own/ nature ' when u see people calling other people "npc's" i feel they r under the impression that other people lack sol — and to me this is a tragic misconception '

we r all probably familiar with the idea of behavioral programming ' this is the nature of the default mode network (dmn lol) of our brains ' it's what allows us to recognize opportunities for and to perform repetitive tasks, based on the way we perceive reality and how those behaviors r reinforced by our perception of the outcomes and whether they r "favorable" '

it is the "nature" of "programming" to recognize salient aspects of any given circumstance and to approximate behavioral fit based on prior circumstances — to copy-paste some aspects of previous contxts into present contxts — and to behave as if those contxts r /the same/ '

however, many of us r biased within poorly regulated nervous systems towards overattribution of salience ' hence we /overfit/ previous contxt to present contxt ' this is my understanding of the part of daodejing that says "the everwanting sol sees only what it wants — the unwanting sol sees what is hidden" — it is a special skill to identify what is hidden behind the overfitting of previous contxt to present contxt — to see what abides in the present moment that makes it unique to prior circumstances ' and it takes incredible levels of cultivation to achieve a nervous system capable of resisting the urge to oversimplify any given moment by overattributing salience '

when we r unable to recognize the /nuance/ of any given contxt bc we overidentify it with previous contxt, we tend to behave in ways that belong to different contxts ' and in my estimation, this is what causes us to act "robotically", or like "npc's" '

according to my senses and my experience, there r very few human bodies that do not have the capacity for sol or have had sol ejected from the subtle body ' and i would v much prefer if people expand their understanding of subtle body mechanics in order to describe reality with more accuracy and courage '

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