My Youtube/Rumble-channel is where you tune in for legal news, trial-watching and deep dives into evidence.
You get to learn why most lawsuits never reach trials.
And why mass media is almost always wrong in their reporting about trials and lawsuits.
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Nicola Maxwell ha offerto un coffee .
Thank you for all you do Nik. I'll be adding as much as I can to your visiting Jeff's family fund! 🤟🏼 Keep spreading the truth, so grateful for you.
Thank you Nicola, i appreciate you. ha offerto un coffee .
The knowledge you share is wonderful ~ integrity + humor
Thank you :)
vewemo ha offerto 3 coffees .
Mr Jingles looks just like my cat who passed almost two years ago and seeing Mr Jingles brightens my day. :)
Thank you so much :)
TayMarie ha offerto un coffee .
You are the best YouTuber!!! Love you & listen all the time when I’m doing investigatie stuff!😁
Thank you so much, i appreciate this so much :)
Christen ha offerto 3 coffees .