Have you ever talked about money openly? Shared your finances with your loved ones? Do you know of (m)any companies that encourage open discussions about salary and pay?
Probably not. Just like we don't talk Bruno, we also don't talk about money or how building a work-life balance cannot be done by an employee alone.
That's where I come in.
I have a lot of opinions. And I can write. So I've been putting those two together in my newsletter. Previously called Perceptive Madness, it's now Not Controversial.
Every Tuesday, I explore one topic that's not controversial and break it down for my readers.
Here's what I've talked out in past issues:
Money — why we need to talk about it openly, why workplaces need to make pay transparent, and why we (especially women and BIPOC) could do with demanding more money.
The Hustle — how productivity influencers and trying to achieve 'that' lifestyle can be hella toxic, why it's okay to monetize your hobbies and also, simultaneously, be okay with them just being hobbies — the goal here is to do either without judgement, how work-life balances should be on employers, not employees to create, etc.
Spicy Lit Takes — from calling out how we discriminate against comic books & romance books, and talking about how alternative forms of reading and writing (fanfiction) are totally valid; these takes will continue.
Pop Culture Criticism — wbk that teen girls deserve more respect, that women have contributed more to the world than they'll ever get credit for, our society's obsession with romantic love — you'll still hear all about what I think.
Here's what you get in return for supporting me:
- The satisfaction of supporting an independent creator. 🖤
- My eternal love and appreciation.
- And if you'd like, a smol shoutout in my newsletter where you can tell people about the fantastic thing you're working on.
The best way to encourage me would be to subscribe and share the newsletter with a friend or colleague!
The second-best way is to buy me a coffee. This helps me offset any costs related to managing my newsletter and my website (which will function as an archive of all my posts).
All this starts from the low, low price of $1, which is cheaper than the cheapest Starbucks coffee! ☕
Thank you in advance for stopping by and your support!