15 sostenitori
My nephew was born on the first day of t ...

My nephew was born on the first day of the war in Gaza Strip

Jun 15, 2024

"In the midst of destruction and pain, children are born in a world that knows nothing but war. They begin their lives amid the sounds of bombs, the rubble of houses, and the smell of fear. They did not know the safety of the cradle or the warmth of the house, but grew up in the midst of devastation and conflict.""In a world full of violence, children dream of peace. They wish to return to a simple life full of love and play. Despite all that they have gone through, their little hearts still beat with hope, waiting for the day when the light will shine and the sound of war will disappear forever." "Since birth, these children have faced the unimaginable. Their innocence fights for survival, and their little souls struggle against despair. They are heroes in our eyes, despite everything they are going through, they still have the ability to smile and hope for a better future."

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