Approaching the garden gate with her daughter the missis sees: her husband returns with both sons and behind them a group around the cart. Blood chills in her heart: “Woe again!” He is terribly upset – she has never seen him like that before… our poor darling, tireless worker, providing for a whole family, why would they torture? We are poor: never reached the middle class. Myron Danylovic...

Vasyl Barka "The Yellow Prince" (Chapter Five)

Nov 25, 2023
478 Aufrufe
That was the unhappiest Sunday for Klenotochi and the neighboring village from where the churchgoers would return deprived of their temple after it had been turned into a warehouse for crops and chopped wood. They would all come here, even from afar, about seven versts [TN: 1 verst is 0.7 miles or 1.6 km]. The church was old. They say it was built from wood first before the Tatars came – which i...

Vasyl Barka "The Yellow Prince" (Chapter Four)

Dec 21, 2022
577 Aufrufe
The fence is like a divisional row with a triangle of knotweed attached to it, and across from it is a wild garden, its raging insides. Mykola placed chalk marks on the spikes which turned white all over, wrapped in pictures like ritualistic pillars of the yore. Andriy inspected the marks, sat down, and began reviewing the contents of his pocket treasures that consisted of: a lens that gathers lig...

Vasyl Barka "The Yellow Prince" (Chapter Three)

Dec 12, 2022
135 Aufrufe
In Klenotochi village the farmers urgently called into the council on a Sunday morning are listening to the speaker intently. Myron Danylovich is leaning against the wall next to the far window and watching the speaker. "A scary person, very scary!" – he keeps thinking. "Such a person would step over." Stand there and suffer quietly while the loved ones are waiting at home and the morning over t...

Vasyl Barka "The Yellow Prince" (Chapter Two)

Dec 03, 2022
328 Aufrufe
Dressing her daughter feels like her own heart, taken from the chest, rejoicing all on its own. But there is woe again: the husband is taken to the village council. How much more do the pests need? They claw at you and bark: give! - if not money then bread. “Mom, how much longer? I’ll wait at the square.” “Soon - why the square? Just wait a bit, they’ll let the dad go and we’ll be on o...

Vasyl Barka "The Yellow Prince" (Chapter One)

Dec 01, 2022
220 Aufrufe
Okay, so... I indeed decided to start translating The Yellow Prince. I think it is very important that more people read it. It's about 250 pages, and I know it's a great undertaking, especially in conditions like this, with 4 hours of power at a time. I also know that it is going to be a painful job. This book still gives me nightmares 17 years after reading it. Now that we are going through a sim...

The Yellow Prince

Dec 01, 2022
402 Aufrufe