Nana Marfo
26 sostenitori
Quick Update: Slight Re-vamp and What I' ...

Quick Update: Slight Re-vamp and What I've been working on

Jun 10, 2020

Hello! I apologise for not updating here, with the state of the world, It's been hard to keep up. Plus uni tends to be a time siphon in its own way. The buy me a coffee is kinda being re-vamped a little, as they folks are adding a lot of cool new features! I also wanna begin sharing some of my art pieces with you guys, so if you are a member, you get a pack of art prints! I also set a new goal so I can improve my setup for artwork as well with a Camera, and replace some ageing equipment in my headset.

Speaking of art, here's some of my best over the past months:

A collection of weapons that I've made! None used in-game yet though.

Orion, by Kenshi Yonezu is one of my all-time favourite songs, so I made a piece about it!

The three things an artist needs:

  • a pencil

  • an artbook

  • a cup of coffee(or beverage of choice, for me it's green tea)

A drag strip! Side note, I'm selling these on twitter, but I'm admittedly struggling to shift stock, so if you give me 3 coffees or, drop your twitter handle so I can DM you, and I'll send one to you!

And finally, the blog posts I've been writing:

2 articles about Wings of Glass, a beautiful old school platformer made by Eager Passion.

The 2nd chapter of Fairy Tail, as Natsu and Lucy search for the book Daybreak.

And finally, I talk about what is now known as Neptunia: Virtual Stars. Admittedly it's mostly me being a weeb.

Thank you guys so much for your support, and I'll try to get better as this year goes on!


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