Support for the Amazon Music and Qobuz s ...

Support for the Amazon Music and Qobuz services

Sep 10, 2021

I've seen many posts on the forum where people seem to be enjoying streaming from Amazon's Music service, although not enjoying the interface in the BluOS Controller app so much. So, I signed up for a free trial and set about seeing how this service worked in the app.

Good news is it worked straight out of the blocks, however there are some subtle differences with the way the BluOS APIs respond for the Amazon Music service, which have resulted in some correspondingly subtle changes in this app to accommodate them:

  • When you're navigating this service, sometimes the response will be a set of links for further navigation, sometimes it will include playable links, and sometimes a blend of both styles. This screenshot shows that playable links have the Play Now, Play Next and Play Last controls on the right side of the link's row so you can quickly manage these on the play queue

  • Results which cannot be added to the play queue will not have these controls, but clicking the result row will start playing that (e.g. stations in the screenshot)

  • Search results from the Amazon Music service are returned grouped by category (e.g. Albums, Artists, etc.) and this grouping is now reflected in the browse results screen; groups can be expanded/collapsed as required

I then did the same for Qobuz - this proved much simpler as the API responses from Qobuz seem very similar to Tidal, which the app already copes well with - only snafu seems to be that Qobuz recommended playlists appear not to advertise an image for the playlist, just for the tracks it contains 🤔

Hopefully I've picked up on the major differences for this service, but if you notice anything, or indeed have any suggestions for other changes, please let me know. This release is now live, so refresh your browser to get these updates 😎

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