Example: Mouse Collisions

Example: Mouse Collisions

Dec 01, 2022

Continues Mouse Collisions

Continues Mouse Collisions, "Move Safely" kind of system

Example: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pbmANtrNQdvnqKJqSH2DtHn-xWoowL?usp=sharing


  • Custom system, no extensions used

  • Very Performant with any movement speed

  • Works with multiple objects automatically

  • Works with any movement, custom or built-in (for example: try using the built-in 8 directions movement with it)

  • Easily adaptable to any project, only one event is required for collision detection, and another for calling the system, the rest is stored in the core group, no need to understand the backend (but it's always recommended to take a look)


LMB: Drag objects around

RMB: Add objects

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