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Mush Love Super Sponsor
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Logo or name displayed on sponsorship section of Website and a special spot in our in-class presentations
Discord community with special tag (Super Sponsor)
Support me on a monthly basis
Unlock exclusive posts and messages
Shout out for new members
Access to full library
Mush Love - The Door Experience
Include le funzionalità di Discord
Support me on a monthly basis
Unlock exclusive posts and messages
Every package comes with a bonus gift and directionals
10 minute call or virtual consultation with Charlie once per month
Each month a drawing will be held for all subscribers for a bonus gift and is done LIVE on Instagram..
Super Mush Love, Sponsor
Include le funzionalità di Discord
Customized ad/sponsorship acknowledgement insert in every subscription mushroom care package sent out!
Support me in helping thousands of people begin their mushroom journeys!
Shoutout as a business or person sponsor on all articles, promotions, and events.
Discord community
Free & Discounted Extras
Shirts are in the works and you will be sent one!
Monthly mycology care package including but kit limited to precolized grains, AOI bags, syringes, and other extras!
Special genetics for your library
20 minute call or virtual consultation with Charlie once per month
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