Recent supporters

drivinginsane bought 5 coffees.
Pt.4 is out and you've clearly been iterating and putting more thought into it, so just wanted to say thanks

drivinginsane bought 5 coffees.
Hey, I hope you're doing well. I've been meaning to send something for your contributions and helping us homelabbers immensely.

Vincent Brakshoofden bought 5 coffees.
Great work!!! When are you finishing part4 ?

shelbyleeallen bought 5 coffees.
Wow. If I were in person, I'd buy you more coffee and or cocktails. This playbook mirrors my exact goal. Great minds think alike I suppose. I am looking forward to part 4. ** I'd be highly interested in a version that supports multiple cache drives (as you mentioned at the end of Part 3). I'm an oddball, ill have a few nvme in cache.
Have a great one! and Thanks for your contributions!