The MTPT Project
Our purpose is to inspire, empower and connect teachers choosing to complete continued professional development whilst on parental leave.
We believe that parents are entitled to make decisions that support their well-being and the well-being of their families. Well-being means different things for different people: for some, this means maintaining a sense of that “teacher” identity during the “break” of parental leave.
We think creatively about the type of activities that have a positive impact on our students and can therefore be considered effective professional learning, and we love exploring the simplicity or problem-solving challenge (!) of enjoying these with babies and toddlers.
Our community has a significant impact on the culture of schools, influencing organisations to be more equal and more inclusive. The ramifications of our work make teaching not only a family friendly career choice for mothers and fathers, but also improves working conditions for all teachers.
Buy Me a Coffee Donations:
We run family friendly virtual coffee mornings once a term, hosted by our Regional Representatives and Advocates. A donation will support us to host these coffee mornings which have been an invaluable resource to our members who want to stay connected to their teacher identity; network and inspire one another.
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Louise West ha comprado un coffee .
Thank you for your comments on the school leadership podcast with Natalie Arnett from NAHT.
I stayed in teaching after my babies were born - I switched to P/T rather than leave because I couldn't earn an equivalent salary if I started something new and I needed the money (not because the teacher salary is enough!). I worked on my non-work days to catch up. I lost my TLR. I missed my children's first days of school, their Nativities, their celebrations, and was expected to attend staff meetings and joint PPA sessions on my days off. It's a bonkers profession - I'm now teaching full-time again from 8.30am-3.30pm in 100% contact with my class, so any prep, assessment, displays, meetings, reports, communication, planning, resourcing ALL happens outside of those hours. And now my babies are teenagers and that time is gone.
It's fantastic what you're doing - I wish you all the success in your project and hope your dreams come true ✨
Michelle ha comprado 2 coffees .
styluspapyrus ha comprado un coffee .
Thanks for the last coffee morning: I hope to make the next too!