Trader Joe’s Pulled Jackfruit with BBQ S ...

Trader Joe’s Pulled Jackfruit with BBQ Sauce

May 10, 2021

I’ll just cut to the chase here. Once again, there were plasticy pieces (last pic). If you don’t know what I’m talking about, I reviewed the jackfruit tikka masala and had rated it quite low due to the massive shells inside (I think they are shells). I just can’t enjoy a product where I have to be on the lookout for hard inedible pieces! I think I’m more bummed about this product versus the tikka masala because I actually really enjoyed the flavor. 35 grams of sugar is absolutely atrocious, but I loved the sauce. It had a great kick. But again, 35 grams of sugar is absolutely ridiculous! TJ’s makes bbq sauces that don’t have a ton of sugar so I’m confused as to why there is so much in this! While I actually really enjoyed the flavor, I can’t look past the shells! No one should be pulling inedible things out of their meal or worse, their mouth. What a bummer. Have you tried this product?!

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