Cypher System for Foundry VTT 1.9.0

Cypher System for Foundry VTT 1.9.0

Dec 26, 2020

Change log

  • [Added] Token actor types can now be used as counters in the combat tracker. The default is that whenever a Token actor type gets initiative, its quantity is decreased by one. There are settings (per token) to disable this behavior completely, and to increase the quantity instead of decreasing. Track the quantity in the combat tracker for maximum effect. Closes #25

  • [Added] NPCs’ initiative is now based on their level (level × 3) instead of a d20 roll. Note that there is a -0.5 to the roll as a tie breaker so that PCs come before NPCs when the roll the same value. It shows up in the chat, but the combat tracker rounds this up to the correct value. Closes #24

  • [Added] A new compendium with some markers. Those are Token actor types for temporary effects, Cyphers, and a map marker. There is also an NPC marker, which is meant as stand in for all NPCs in the combat tracker.

  • [Added] The All-in-One Roll macro now includes a Attack Modifier section where you can add the damage and apply Effort to the damage. If you have the system setting “Item Macros Use All-in-One Dialog” active, attacks populate these fields automatically.

  • [Added] A new compendium containing the tabletop scene I use in my games.

  • [Changed] Item macros can now have custom defaults for the All-in-One dialog when the system setting “Item Macros Use All-in-One Dialog” is active. Edit the macro to access the defaults.

  • [Changed] When having less than 4 currencies, the name of the currency is to the left of the currency field, instead of above. This reduces the empty space in the Equipment tab.

  • [Fixed] If a PC is impaired, all macros that calculate Pool point costs based on Effort take the penalty for that into account.

  • [Fixed] If a PC is debilitated, the All-in-One and Spend Effort macros can’t be used.

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