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Cypher System for Foundry VTT 1.11.0

Cypher System for Foundry VTT 1.11.0

Jan 17, 2021

Change log

  • [Added] Bar Brawl is natively supported with default bars configured for all token types. With that, PCs have three bars for all Pools. Note: This only applies to newly created tokens.

  • [Added] Attacks now have a field for the appropriate skill rating. This calculates the total steps eased/hindered in addition to the modifier. If you have set some steps eased or hindered because of the skill level, you should set the skill level instead. Existing characters are set to being practiced, so until you change anything by hand, everything works as before. Note: For existing characters, this should be calculated automatically. If the steps eased or hindered don’t show up on the character sheet when they should, editing the item in question should correct this.

  • [Changed] ctrl/cmd-click to send the description of list items to the chat now also delivers other info about the item, such as the skill rating, damage, or Pool point cost.

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