Some Housekeeping and Updates...

Some Housekeeping and Updates...

Feb 02, 2023


An update to let you know that I've done some reorganising and tidying up around here.

Maps are now in the Gallery

Rather than have my free maps downloadable via extras or dropbox, you can now browse the Gallery and download them directly from there. Previously I believed that the gallery would compress the images, making them useless for gaming. In fact, there is a setting that allows visitors to download the original image at the size I intended.


Just look at the top of each image, click the three dots '...' and select 'Download Original'. It feels simpler, and requires less trust on your part to download something from a stranger on a random server.

Every map is now stored on Buy Me a Coffee, with the exception of my printer-friendly Dragon of Icespire Peak maps. These are too large to attach to an extra (10mb limit), so donating will still provide you with a link to Dropbox.

Regarding OGL

Some of you may be aware of the hullabaloo caused by Wizards of the Coast (WOTC) when they attempted to take over the world of third-party publishing by invalidating the Open Gaming License 1.0a. They have since stepped back from this course (for the time being), sharing the D&D game through Creative Commons and the original agreement after significant outcry from the community.

Like a lot of creators, I now feel less inclined to support a company that sought to put their own greed ahead of the customer. For this reason it is unlikely that I will finish my printer-friendly maps for Icespire Peak anytime soon, though I'll probably think about it again in a few months.

I will instead be focussing on creating for a wider range of games and system-agnostic products, as evidenced by all the sci-fi maps I've made recently.

Supporter Rewards

Now that I'm focusing on more open products, I'll be less restrained by copyright restrictions on what I can ask money for. I'm now looking into how to supply high-resolution versions for any map I make based on my original or open content. These won't be useful for virtual table tops (far too big!), but should be great for poster-printing and laying out on your table for an in-person game. These will be accessible to anyone who has ever donated. If I get to the point where I'm releasing new content regularly and reliably, I'll look into memberships (though that feels like a long way off right now!).


I'm making more of an effort to post updates on social media. If you want to get updates on my art, map stuff, or 'anything else', feel free to follow me on any of these:

Thanks for reading this far! If you have any suggestions for something I should create, feel free to send me a request or suggestion.

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