101 supporters
SPAC Accounts, Downloadable SPAC Tables

SPAC Accounts, Downloadable SPAC Tables

Nov 13, 2021

The day has finally came. After months of hard work, SPAC accounts went online earlier this week!

With SPAC accounts, users are able to add their favorite SPACs to their watchlists and receive important notifications including merger meeting, warrant deadline reminders, definitive agreement/rumor news, options availability.

spacHero supporters can also export all SPAC tables, including warrant, unit tables as Excel sheets. You can become a supporter to gain access to extended watchlists/notifications and downloadable tables.

As a final note, I run spacHero on my personal budget, so becoming a supporter also means helping me to keep spacHero free and add new features in the upcoming months.

Thank you for your support!

--mrdfw - developer of spacHero

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