Welcome to MRClueUin's 411 New York!

Welcome to MRClueUin's 411 New York!

Dec 02, 2021

Welcome! Bienvenue! Yokoso!

Hello! Thanks for stopping by. I hope that you guys aren't to impressed with my language skills! 😁

As a Writer and a Amateur Vlogger I am used to watching various videos for my research and sometimes I pick up some interesting information. The end result is that I know only the basics on only four different languages; French, Spanish, Russian, and Japanese. Mostly to say "Hello" or "My Name is". Impressive, no?

Well here's hoping that you become more impressed with my Videos and Blog pages covering various topics ranging from Political Opinion Essays to Places of Interest all over New York! I am currently trying to build my audiences and I sincerely hope you will become one of them. If you like what you see and if you can spare it Buy Me A Coffee will ya!

From my sassy takes to my wonderful tours of the Five of Borough NYC you are guaranteed to either learn something new or to be entertained!



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