Hey kids, As always the podcast goes of with a hitch. Unlike our contemporaries, the Motorcycle Men Podcast strives to do things differently and with a dull flair. But, the bottom line is that we have fun and that's all that matters. In this episode we talked about various things, none of which sparked any serious conversation except for the National Days Calendar list. There is a humorous level o...
Episode 312 is live
Mar 23, 2022
We've been at this for nearly 6-1/2 years so far and each time we do an episode I never have any clue of what is going to happen or be said, and I'm the host! Although I may set a plan for what the show may include, it rarely follows that path and even if it does, it ends up a truncated shell of itself all at the behest of entertaining you our listeners. We've tried to raise money before and for a...
Buy me a pizza.... Slice.
Jul 24, 2021