Bloodhorse - HORIZONER

Bloodhorse - HORIZONER

May 03, 2024

I really enjoyed the deceptive nature of the way HORIZONER by Bloodhorse starts.

There’s a little bit of repetition rolling over and over that continues on for long enough that the mind begins to feel a little bit of psychedelics seeping into it. One might even debate whether the record is skipping or if that’s the way the music is presented. Then there’s a short hint of drum buildup that quickly drops away and your back in that loop again asking yourself what exactly is going on here. Then the band brings it in, the riff changes and the heaviness has arrived.

We step into some solid, heavy stoner, heavy rock and the album carries on from there. There’s a little touch of sludge here but overall it’s just some heavy good time jams that most everyone could likely get on board with. The band is built on the musical presentation but the lyrics are not hidden. They are clearly mixed and sound solid, they are simply not the driving force of the song structures.


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