The Weekend Game Show | WGS

The Weekend Game Show | WGS

Apr 27, 2024


The Weekend Game Show (WGS), which can be found on TwitchYouTube, The Titans' DiscordSteam, Rumble, and Odysee, using handle MonriaTitans, is under the umbrella of my blog Opinions and Truth (O&T).

WGS was established to educate on and discuss different aspects of game development, and to show why video games can take years to make, to prevent another Cyberpunk 2077 launch scenario.

See "About" for credentials.

Most Recent Video/VOD


Most Recent ASO

"You may not like video games, but what I learned from them is this: no enemies in front of you means you are going the wrong way."
- Unknown

I am affiliated with, the Etsy for small business bookstores, whose mission is "to help local, independent bookstores thrive in the age of e-commerce"!

I created this bookshop to provide resources for those who want to create video games and for those who wish to understand them. In addition, I wanted this to be a hub, a rendezvous point, so it has a little bit of everything. There are books on history, psychology, and others for the purpose of obtaining different perspectives as well reading material for entertainment.

If one wishes to be a game designer, or a writer, one must read a lot, write a lot, and play different genres of video games.

Video games are becoming a staple of the world; they deserve respect and recognition.

Check out the bookshop either via clicking here or the image above!

Stream Schedule & Rules

Streams are scheduled for Sunday from 13:00 to 15:00 AZT.
Times are subject to change.


Hello! I am MonriaTitans™️, pronounced Mon-Rye-Uh, but I'll take "Titans".

I am a left-handed, ADtistic (ADHD + Autistic), bisexual, atheist, black woman; ALL the minorities!

Jokes aside: I am a traditional & digital artist and writer, with a Bachelor of Arts in English: Creative Writing - Fiction & a Bachelor of Science in Game Design, and I hope to use my knowledge to change the way video games are perceived.

One of the ways I do this is via WGS. I provide commentary as I play video games and/or their demos.

See Mission for why.

Also, I give Artist Shout-Outs (ASO) to human artists, every Saturday-Monday, to combat AI art theft. #createdontscrape | All rights reserved by the artist(s).

See Artist Shout-Outs (ASO) for details.

Lastly, I share themed, educational quotes around a Cause of the Month (COTM); this month is ADHD Acceptance Month.

Artist Shout-Outs (ASO)

I began giving Artist Shout-Outs (ASOs) for fun in December of 2020. The first one being my old profile picture. Now, they are to promote, empower, and provide exposure for human artists to combat AI art theft. #createdontscrape

ASOs are only given on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.

Cause of the Month (COTM)

The theme for September is ADHD Acceptance Month, so, the cause of the month is ADDitude, therefore, throughout the month, quotes on and/or ADHD will be shared every Wednesday.
For more details, click here!

Social Media

Below are the various places where I share my work. The best place to contact me is Discord.

Contacting me anywhere other than Discord will not guarantee a response.

Ways To Support

To expand the Opinions & Truth (O&T) blog, I started The Weekend Game Show (WGS) to educate on and discuss different aspects of game development, and to show why video games can take years to make, to prevent another Cyberpunk 2077 launch scenario.
My videos are available on TwitchYouTubeThe Titans' DiscordSteamRumble, and Odysee!

To provide educational material for game designers and artists, and some fun reads, I created a bookshop, the Rendezvous Point (RP), powered by!
Check it out here!

In addition, I share educational quotes to promote literacy, the legitimacy of video games as an artistic medium, and regarding a Cause of the Month to raise awareness, while giving Artist Shout-Outs to human artists to combat AI's spit.
Want to learn more about the Artist Shout-Outs? Click here!

The Artists Shout-Out posts can be seen in the Gallery, Discord, and more!

I’m also an artist under the handle TitansMonriArt.

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Lastly, posts may contain affiliate links.

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