Welcome Gamers & Readers!

Welcome Gamers & Readers!

May 20, 2024


You may not like video games, but what I learned from them is this: no enemies in front of you means you are going the wrong way.

- Unknown

I am MonriaTitans, the host of the Opinions and Truth (O&T) blog and The Weekend Game Show (WGS) on Twitch. My mission is to educate on and discuss different aspects of game development, and to show why video games can take years to make, to prevent another Cyberpunk 2077 scenario. In addition, I share Artist Shout-Outs (ASO) to human artists to combat AI art theft. | All rights reserved by the artist(s).

On WGS, the focus is on games and art. On O&T, there is no focus; knowledge is power. But on the BMAC, the focus is video games, literacy, and educational quotes. Video games are becoming a staple of the world; they deserve respect and recognition. With education comes patience and understanding; people will be less upset when and understand why a game gets delayed. And won't threaten game developers to rush a game along.

And people shouldn't pass legislation on something they don't understand.

I intend to use Buy Me A Coffee to share educational quotes and videos and to showcase the Artist Shout-Outs. And, since the theme is books, the educational videos will be book-related.

Thank you for reading. May every decision you make in the future be in the spirit of fairness and may the rest of your day NOT go to $#!7.

A game is a problem-solving activity, approached with a playful attitude.

- Jesse Schell





  1. Check out the Dos and Don’ts.

  2. Daily updates are posted on the O&T blog.
    Check them out here.

  3. The next stream is scheduled for Sunday, June 9th, from 13:00 to 15:00 AZT, on Twitch.
    Time is subject to change.
    Check out the stream here!
    Check out the MonriaTitans YouTube Channel here!

  4. The nextand 587thArtist Shout-Out will be announced on Saturday, June 8th!
    The link to it will be here!
    See where the shout-outs have spread here!

    For more details, and to view previous ones, click here!

  5. The focus for May is Mermay, so, the cause of the month is Ocean Info, therefore, throughout the month, quotes on and/or about mermaids and ocean conservation will be shared every Wednesday.
    For more details, click here!

  6. Book LX of The Neverending Reading List is The Viking Art of War, by Paddy Griffith!
    Check it out here!
    For more details, and to view the list, click here!

  7. Book VIII of The Artbook Collection is Komorebi: The Art of Djamila Knopf!
    Check it out here!
    For more details, and to view the list, click here!

  8. The MonriaTitans’ Bookshop is open!



  1. To contact MonriaTitansclick hereDiscord, click here; Social Mediaclick here; Art, click here.

  2. To see WGS on Twitchclick here; on YouTubeclick here.

  3. To see the Mission Statementclick here.

  4. To see the criteria for Artist Shout-Outsclick here.

  5. To see the streaming scheduleclick here.

  6. To see the rules and expectations for the communityclick here.

  7. To see ways to supportclick here.


“Current AI ‘art’ is created on the backs of hundreds of thousands of artists and photographers who made billions of images and spend time, love and dedication to have their work soullessly stolen and used by selfish people for profit without the slightest concept of ethics.”
Alexander Nanitchkov

For ways to fight AI “art”, click here!

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