Last updated: December 8, 2024
Contact: Click here, or, if you don't wish to provide your email, use Tumblr Ask and/or The Titans' Discord server.
Click the image above to be taken to the spreadsheet containing all of the Artist Shout-Out (ASO) links to the O&T, Tumblr, and Pillowfort posts.
Below are links to the ASOs in the BMAC Gallery
Jun 6, 2023: Andrea Schepisi
Jun 18, 2023: Amy-Katie Scott
July 2, 2023: Yaroslav Salo
July 9, 2023: Abdul Rahim
July 19, 2023: Celso Filho
July 23, 2023: Megan Thornton
July 31, 2023: Greg – Gilbert
September 24, 2023: Arthur Ko
I began giving Artist Shout-Outs (ASOs) for fun in December of 2020. Now, they are to promote, empower, and provide exposure for human artists to combat AI art theft.
ASOs are only given Saturday-Monday. If I am sent requests for shout-outs, said artist’s, or your, chances for receiving a free artist shout-out will be ruined.
Since the point of the shout-outs is to get the artists more exposure, when on the hunt on my own, the fewer followers they have, whether it be on Instagram, ArtStation, etc., the more likely they are to receive a shout-out. Unless I’m absolutely wowed by their work, in which case, it doesn’t matter how many follower’s they have, they’ve earned the shout-out.
Also, no, I do not get permission from the artists before giving them a shout-out. Serious question, why do I need to get permission to tell my audience to check someone out? And if it were a book the artist had written, which is another piece of art, would you have a problem with my sharing it without their permission?
Each post contains the tags #artistshoutout and #artistshoutouts in the description and up to 3 of the artists' social media links.
The ASOs were never about me, even when it was for fun. It isn’t about me now, though it is mutually beneficial. My platform is small, but if the ArtStation protest has shown anyone, anything, it’s how one person can cause a domino effect.
What would happen if we all lifted each other up?
Gain exposure for the artists: by giving artists a shout-out, they are given greater exposure. By steering additional viewers to them, they, potentially, receive further support and an increase to their revenue stream(s).
Gain exposure for me: all of the above also applies to me, because, by giving the artists shout-outs, their could supporters find me, potentially increasing my following, making this mutually beneficial.
To combat AI “art”: initially, I believed AI compilations weren’t going to hurt large, platform artists as much as they would those who were trying to get started, which is why the focus is on promoting “smaller” artists. Now, I believe it will damage every artistic industry if not handled carefully, which is why I’m not too picky about the artists’ follower count these days.
a. I have read how some are finding their copyrighted work has been fed into the AI. Click here for an example.
b. For anyone who doesn’t understand how art can be stolen and/or how AI generators are built using stolen art, the example above touches upon the subject. Click here to see some definitions.
I only “own” one item of artwork (it was a birthday present); all rights are reserved by the artist(s).
If I enjoy an artist’s work, I give them a shout-out.
a. If I am sent requests for shout-outs, the artist’s, or your, chances for a free artist shout-out will be ruined.ASO decisions are inspired by the Oxford English Dictionary‘s Word of the Day.
a. The theme/awareness/cause of the month may have an impact in the decision as well.NO DMs; they overwhelm me.
a. If your questions are not answered by Twitch panels or Tumblr, feel free to Message me through Tumblr, the only direct method of contact until I say otherwise.
b. Feel free to post questions in the appropriate Discord channel.
c. Please begin messages with the topic of discussion; messages with only salutations, “hey”, “hi”, “hello”, “how are you?”, etc., will not receive a response.
d. The ONLY exception to the "No DMs" rules is if you are requesting a shout-out be taken down.Every ASO post states, "Don’t forget to give them a follow!" and lists 3, give or take, of the artists' social media accounts.
a. If you want to commission them, you have to contact the artist by whatever means they provide.
To expand the Opinions & Truth (O&T) blog, I started The Weekend Game Show (WGS) to educate on and discuss different aspects of game development, and to show why video games can take years to make, to prevent another Cyberpunk 2077 launch scenario.
My videos are available on Twitch, YouTube, The Titans' Discord, Steam, Rumble, and Odysee!
To provide educational material for game designers and artists, and some fun reads, I created a bookshop, powered by, the Rendezvous Point (RP)!
Check it out here!
In addition, I share educational quotes to promote literacy, the legitimacy of video games as an artistic medium, and regarding a Cause of the Month to raise awareness, while giving Artist Shout-Outs to human artists to combat AI's spit.
Want to learn more about the Artist Shout-Outs? Click here!
The Artists Shout-Out posts can be seen in the Gallery, Discord, and more!
I'm also an artist under the handle TitansMonriArt.
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