The Neverending Reading List: Book LXVII ...

The Neverending Reading List: Book LXVIII – "Laziness Does Not Exist"

Jul 18, 2024

"Laziness Does Not Exist" by Dr. Devon Price, Ph.D.

We produce more value for our employers than any other generation of workers has. We consume more information in a single day than our great-grandparents did in weeks. Yet we feel lazier than ever. This is due to the “The Laziness Lie,” a centuries-old belief system that says our worth is determined by our productivity, our limitations are weaknesses, and no matter how much we do, it is never enough.

In Laziness Does Not Exist, social psychologist Dr. Devon Price tracks how The Laziness Lie spread through the United States during the eras of slavery and industrialization and embedded itself into society. Price outlines how our culture’s hatred of laziness has poisoned almost every aspect of modern life—from work, to school, to our relationships, to our views regarding social problems such as drug addiction, homelessness, and COVID-19.

Laziness Does Not Exist gives the reader tips and exercises to unlearn The Laziness Lie. Interviews with therapists and industrial-organizational experts provide practical advice on how to clarify your true values and learn to say “no” without shame. Throughout, Price offers science-based reassurances that despite feelings of guilt and “laziness,” each of us is already doing more than enough.

DR. DEVON PRICE is a social psychologist, writer, and professor at Loyola University of Chicago’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies. Their work has appeared in SlateBusiness InsiderThe Financial TimesHuffPost, and Psychology Today, and on NPR and PBS. They live in Chicago, Illinois.

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