Finished A Book! Mini-Review: "Laziness ...

Finished A Book! Mini-Review: "Laziness Does Not Exist"

Aug 26, 2024

"Laziness Does Not Exist"
by Devon Price, Ph.D.

I finished this on the 24th, but didn't get to share/review it until now. This is the second book I can remember that was able to get me hooked, and annoyed when I had to put it down.

This book had me reevaluating my life, which was the point, so, well done there.

One would think the title of the book explains the contents of it, but it actually goes deeper: we need to be lazy sometimes. Why? To combat the Laziness Lie, as Dr. Devon calls it. Which is:

  • Deep down I'm lazy and worthless.

  • I must work incredibly hard, all the time, to overcome my inner laziness.

  • My worth is earned through my productivity.

  • Work is the center of life.

  • Anyone who isn't accomplished and driven is immoral.

All bullshit. And it goes back to the time of slavery in the US, too. Shocker.

The Laziness Lie and capitalism go together so damn well, it has people thinking human beings need to earn their keep to be allowed to survive.

It's easy to dismiss the homeless when you believe it’s their own fault, never mind the fact most everyone is one paycheck, one bankrupting illness, from being homeless themselves.

Once we stop looking at ourselves as expendable robots, and start being human, we'll make a better society.

Everyone has needs. Needs don't make us weak. Lacking empathy and compassion does.

EVERYONE needs to read this book.
Those in power, especially.

DR. DEVON PRICE is a social psychologist, writer, and professor at Loyola University of Chicago’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies. Their work has appeared in Slate, Business Insider, The Financial Times, HuffPost, and Psychology Today, and on NPR and PBS. They live in Chicago, Illinois.

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