18 supporters
We are water

We are water

Jul 23, 2022

We are water,

we are flow,

we are devine,

we are emotions

carried on the wave


rolling to the shore,



as we spike up and down.

We are water nymphs,

Goddesses of nature,

of the earth

of time itself.

Listen my heart,


can you hear the pulse

the beat

the eternal yes,

of wave after wave

stroking the shore.

We are coming home.

Moira Cormack

Can you allow all you emotions without judgement?

Art Gaston Bussiere

Words from a client

The anger and boundary work I did with Moira KC was life changing.

Over the years I have kept going back for coaching when I was ready to look at different areas of my life. (Yes, coaches need coaches. I advocate we all need coaches but hey another story for another day).

I worked on inner child healing, family healing, struggle around support parenting with step children, healing after surgery. Life changes and so our needs and desires change - we don;t have to naviagte it on our own. We can’t sometimes. Support, softness, breathwork, healing, fantasy, reality and always light and laughter. Couldn’t recommend a coach higher. Even just have a chat with Moira if you are even the slightest bit curious about what journey you can take with her x

DM me if you are curious

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