(New Post) Driving for Dollars: Tips & T ...

(New Post) Driving for Dollars: Tips & Tricks (Part 2)

Sep 09, 2022


To continue the last post in this series which focused on lead generation, I wrote a new article about buying criteria when it comes to driving for dollars and how to identify potential homes to buy as a mobile home investor.

In my write-up, I talk about how to figure out your buying criteria including what types of things to consider when finding leads on homes in mobile home parks. I share with you what factors to consider when pursuing these leads as they relate to the homes themselves. Plus, I go over my recommendations on what types of homes to buy based on my experience which covers the age, size of homes and features.

I share with you what it takes to be successful as a mobile home investor based on the types of leads you pursue. And, I tell you exactly what matters when it comes to pursuing leads on the homes that you find when working in mobile home parks.

Also, I talk about my first deal including some of the features that made it easier to sell the home when I put it on the market. And, I share with you why and how my first deal was different than one of my personal mentors who did deals in the same park including some of the obstacles my mentor faced which I did not.

Going into the article, I also talk about the types of contractors that I work with including my personal preference when working with contractors now and in the past. Plus, I go over the process of determining repairs and fix-up work of the homes that I buy including what type of fix-up work I do and how.

Now, there's a lot of information in this article that I have not shared publicly. So if you'd like to get the know-how on how exactly I do things and my recommendations for working leads when driving for dollars as a mobile home investor, check out the post and let me know what you think!

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