
Sep 01, 2021

Thank you for your interest in supporting my efforts. You may not have noticed that I have made no effort to monetize my podcast though advertising, and the podcast is the only of my activities that is producing content on a regular basis. (To the best of my ability to discern, I am not eligible for advertising related compensation from Soundcloud, YouTube and so on, so I don't have control over advertising on those sites.) I firmly believe that we are all exposed to too much advertising, in too many places, and I don't want to participate in the fallacy that anything is 'free' -- if you aren't paying for something on the Internet, you are the product. I far prefer to not clutter my work up with extraneous garbage.

That said, I also believe that it is only fair to ask for some small compensation from those who have been on some level or another positively impacted. This is both a measure of value, and -- should I provide an appropriate level of value to enough people -- an assist in providing me with more time and flexibility to further my creative efforts.

Again, regardless of your decision regarding monetary support, I very much appreciate that you have partaken of my humble efforts. Every view, every download gladdens my heart and further fuels my desire to continue expressing myself through a variety of creative endeavors.

Thank you,


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