Editing Series - Chapter 24

Editing Series - Chapter 24

Dec 08, 2021

This is the first chapter I'm editing in the Editing Series on my YouTube Channel.


Chapter 24 is a first draft that I haven't read since I finished writing it during NaNo 2020. This short video describes the main issues I encountered during editing.

If you want to skip to a helpful writing tip, you can jump to 2:18. :)

I will be posting a post-critique group video on this same chapter in a future video to let you all know what they had to say about it. I'm anxious to learn what my first round of editing missed that they are able to catch. I'm so grateful to my critique group, they truly are amazing and such an incredible resource for me.

If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe and I'll see you in a future video!

If this series is helpful for you and you want to learn more about how I can help you polish your novel: please visit my website https://mjpankey.com, follow me on twitter @mjpankey1, or donate a treat to my writing companion Pit/Dalmation pup Petey for patiently waiting for my attention while I created this content: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mjpankey

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