So We Now Have Merch!

Jun 15, 2021

So far 2021 has been a very exciting year for me, through the darkness of Covid-19 I have been as creative as I’ve ever been!


Since the last lockdown I have been costuming for two brand new acts that I’m looking to debuting in some form (virtual or live).


It’s taken me hours of affixing fringing, stoning corsets and repairing feathers to a very vintage headdress to get the looks I want ‘just right’ without you, my supporters, tuning in along the way this creativity would not be possible.


Please help support my art buy purchasing me a small coffee for £3.00 to help this Showgirl out, be sure to tune in as the first 5 will receive a personally signed picture in one of my creations, especially for you xxx

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