New Monthly Memberships!

New Monthly Memberships!

Jun 15, 2021


So I decided to start a monthly membership here at Buy Me a Coffee. Why? Because I’m super proud of what I’ve been able to achieve and I want to one day do this full time and quit my day job. 🤣

Ok, what a dream right? If only 🥺

But really, I am so grateful for the support that I already have and grateful for all the support that may come in the future.

I have worked hard to bring my creativity to the world and got over my shyness of it (for the most part 😂) in the process.

Who knew that perfect strangers could be perfectly what I needed in my life? 🥰

Choosing to support me through a membership would mean the world to me but even if you just follow me here and/or my blog/socials, I appreciate that support too!

I don’t exactly know how to bring my members behind the scenes/in progress stuff but I’m looking into it and will definitely be doing that once I figure it out!

Also, I’m a blogger at heart so posts will come sporadically 😁

Thanks for reading!!

Take care and talk soon 😊

~ Tracey

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