The Lonely Stocking…

The Lonely Stocking…

Mar 25, 2023

Here I was, a few years ago, as Christmas was fast approaching, late at night using a friend's office space. As I was walking around the building, I noticed one door with a stocking hanging from it . . .

Upon seeing it, I felt a surge of goodwill. . . thought, "Oh, what can I put in her stocking?" I felt compelled to leave a little surprise in it! I eventually did upon another visit, but it made me think, "How often in life do we block our blessings because we don’t hang our stocking?"

I suppose a myriad of reasons contribute to not doing so, such as asking... "Who is going to put something in my stocking?" and "Why would they?" Or simply thinking that you don't want to feel silly if no one does. All valid concerns, but one thing is certain, with no stocking we are guaranteed to receive nothing.

Which reminds me of another time of a conversation with a long time friend, whose spouse was performing wonderful acts of volunteerism. Remarking on how wonderful her charity work was I asked, "Oh, does she have a website where one could make a donation, like via Ca$hApp or Venmo?" The answer was brisk and fast: "No she doesn’t do 'all that'." So I left it there.

She did not do all that "stocking hanging."

I had to scratch my head and ask, why would someone not create a channel or a door through which one could deliver a blessing in the form of cash or perhaps even mailing something the old fashion, snail mail way?

So a legitimate question is are we going through our lives ready to receive? Are our channels through which someone can bless us open? It’s a question we can all ask ourselves. If your answer is NO, then the question is, why not?

I can assure you when I saw that Santa stocking, even though I had Ca$hApp, and Venmo I was more intentional in setting up an actual page with all of my various "stockings" like my Buy Me A Coffee page here. and I'm asking you to do the same!

Please comment below, leave a link of your "stocking" . . . let's be open for whatever blessings may come our way. And for now . . .

🌿May you grow & prosper,

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