
Mar 31, 2023

It's the slight puzzled look on faces when I say,

"Oh my, that doorbell, if I hear it just one more time. . ."

I've noticed that some friends don't understand my annoyance with a doorbell that rings 3-7 times a day. And I admit I've looked strangely at people who express annoyances with certain things, but as I get older I'm a little more empathetic. There are days I just long for peace and quiet, to work in absolute stillness.

But not too long ago, I had a few decades of constant non-negotiable life interruptions . . . it was the "menu du jour" in that phase of my life . . . then as things started to ease, I still found myself allowing the negotiable interruptions, like Amazon deliveries, visiting neighbor and solicitations to continue. I guess just out of habit, until I realized it's ok to implement boundaries for ones self. It's ok to draw a line around ourselves for a given situation. Boundary lines give us peace.

Are you needing to free up more time and create more peace for yourself?

We don't have to feel bad.

All of us who have hobbies, or work from home must guard our time, even if it takes hanging a sign. It's called Self-Care... and I've noticed the concept of self-care is trending hugely!

If you are in a phase of life in which it's more complex to do so, perhaps putting one certain something for you and you only, is in order. An acquaintance, she goes to the beach once a week in her lonesome, it's a date with herself.

She said initially she noticed that her family members tested her. But she went no matter what was going on at home, and now everyone knows; her family is trained. It's a line around her own personal space for an hour.

Set a date with yourself, if that's all that can be done now. Just do it.

(even if you need to hang a little sign every once in a while) 😉

Well, thanks for stopping by!

Share your thoughts below . . .

🌿May You Grow & Prosper,

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