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Great review! Ever consider that the Cosmonaut Tom is present day Tom in the Future? He controls his Bubble ship by meditation. Some UAPs are described as cubes INSIDE a sphere.
Or that Future Tom is current Tom that has become Buddhist. He finally understands emptiness. As he lets go of attachments (feelings for Izzy) he reaches Enlightenment -> which is symbolized by the Supernova. Death of the Ego is the road to Awe...
Hi there!I'm very glad you liked the article! And many thanks for your support - it's very much appreciated! 🤗Regarding your question of whether the Cosmonaut may be present-day Tom in the future, I did actually consider it initially, although I never made the connection to the UAPs, so that is an interesting one 👍.However, the more I watched the film the more I became convinced that past, present and future events must be somehow interconnected. The most telltale clue of that connection is the Cosmonaut's tree dying at the right same moment Izzy died at the hospital. There are other clues in the film that speak in favour of this interpretation (see In my opinion, this synchronicity is too coincidental to be a coincidence.I believe your second interpretation is actually very close to the interpretation I put forth in my article. Indeed, I think the Cosmonaut is a sort of enlightened version of present-day Tom, in that he finally succeeds in coming to terms with mortality and, relatedly, to emptiness and death."Death of the Ego is the road to Awe" - awesome way to put it! 😉Have a great day!