Stop! Please!

Stop! Please!

Feb 06, 2023

It all needs to stop
The noise is too much
the constant picking nagging noise
of millions of discordant voices
all screaming,
Look at me.

I need it all to stop,
the war,
the balloon,
the politics,
that attempt to define,
the thing that should be
the easiest to define


I need it,
to stop.
It's all too much.
Not forever,
just for a day.

Can we pretend that we live in a world,
where people are valued,
because they are people?

Just for a day,
can we let children be children,
not pawns in a battle of ideology,
paraded around,
some with guns in hand,
while others,
are being slaughtered in schools,
parking lots,
and suburban blocks,
with those
same tools?

Can we for just a moment,
stop and see,
that love is love.
and that an individual knows,
what is best for them.

Can we for just a moment,
believe that the media,
is just another corporation,
beholding to shareholders,
they are nothing more than,
penny papers,
telling the stories,
that sells so well.

Sex, Violence, Politics, and Religion,
are the four horsemen of the apocalypse.

Everyone willingly buys war,
because might makes right,
then once they are broke and bankrupt,
populations decimated,
children dead,
mothers eradicated,
they sue for peace.

It's all too much,
can we please,
for just a moment,
not forever,
pretend that homelessness,
and Poverty
are a sign of systemic problems,
not in the person,
but in the government.

It needs to stop.

I need it to stop.

the narrative has to change.
It must change.
We can't continue down this path,
of constant doom and gloom.

for just today,
can we have empathy,
for the addict,
some of which,
by tomorrow,
won't be here.

Originally published on my Medium account.

The image is my own creation.

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