Was it worth it?

Was it worth it?

Aug 15, 2023

Have you ever thought about why you have good and bad days?

Again, the solution lies in the area of managing emotions.

Let me explain my experiences related to this with the help of an example.

Imagine a bank account. Let it be a kind of emotional bank account, where you put in emotion, or take out a loan to balance your life.

There are income-generating emotions and cost (withdrawal) generating emotions.

Income emotions build and enrich the account: For example, such a feeling of love that you can't express in words.

The withdrawal-generating emotions that take away from the account: A bad human relationship results in such a pattern because it results in a costly income, i.e., it takes more than it brings.


The ideal relationship is balanced when it generates more emotional income.

Examining the expression "live for today", it can be seen how thin it is and how dangerous it can be for the emotional account.

You buy something that gives a very good feeling. It goes to the account: You deserve it, you can be proud of yourself, you finally achieved it, etc., all good feelings.

There is no other action. It closes.

You buy something that was beyond your power. You've longed for it for a long time, but you really couldn't afford it, then it goes on the account: You covered the costs from the future. You will have to pay emotional interest.

This will cost more because you did not have the resources. You served a desire and prioritized irresponsible comfort. Later, this will be when you start to feel bad.

Unfortunately, in the past decades, the costly emotion has become common. Accompanied by full of anger, shame, self-reproach.

If you've had or have a part in such, have you ever asked yourself:

Was it worth it?

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