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Weekly Prompt: Lyin' 'Bout the Dyin'

Weekly Prompt: Lyin' 'Bout the Dyin'

Jan 23, 2022

Sometimes you just want people to feel shit about your life.

Photo by Jametlene Reskp on Unsplash

Welcome to the second weekly challenge for January, where our theme is about using Stolen Secrets to inspire your own stories:

January Theme: Stolen Secrets
Take one public secret, add a dash of fiction, shake and serve chilledmedium.com

The aim is to take each secret, sit with it and let it inspire a story.

See where the secret takes you, think of the person who told it, imagine their lives, their world, and their relationships.

Remember, these are honest, real secrets sent anonymously via postcard to PostSecret.com.

This is how people send them in.

This Week's a Little Darker, A Little Morbid.

But it could be a Black Comedy. Like Death at a Funeral.

It could go so many ways; do you write about the speaker, the girl or boy, adn their slightly off-centre need to be at the centre of sympathy.

Or do you write about the family? Do you write about the boyfriend fictitious and dead? Did he live a good life? Was he heroic? Did he die battling a lion and saving our dear liar?

Image found on the inspiring PostSecret.com

i lied about having a boyfriend

then i lied about him dying

It's your choice; take this secret wherever you want.

Let's see what it inspires.

Challenge Requirements

Your story must:

  1. Tell us a fictional story related to this fake, dead boyfriend.

  2. Be min 100 and max 1000 words long, excluding the title, subtitle, and any post-story bio/links. (We use Medium’s own word count feature.)`

  3. Use “Dead Secret” as one of your five tags. We recommend Fiction, Flash Fiction and maybe your genre too. But it’s your choice.

  4. Please link back to the prompt so others can find it easily.

Example Story The Liar’s Snare

by Josephine St John

Here’s how to write for Microcosm. We’d love to see your stories.

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