Sponsor the Michael Unbroken Podcast

Sponsor the Michael Unbroken Podcast

Jul 09, 2021

What's up Unbroken Nation!

Over the years I have had many people ask about showing support and sponsoring the show. The Michael Unbroken Podcast is a fairly large undertaking and my mission is to bring as much VALUE to your life as possible with each episode and guest.

When I started this podcast it was simply because I felt like it was the podcast that I needed on my healing journey. Today, with over 50,000 downloads it has started to take a life of it's own!

Trauma and CPTSD survivors from around the world have shown incredible love and support to the effort and I am so grateful.

If you would like to sponsor the show you can for only $5! And that makes a huge difference! You can simply Buy Me A Coffee by clicking here

I want to thank you so much for your effort and support in helping me make this the best trauma healing podcast in the World and trust me when I say that every penny counts!

Also, everyone who sponsors the show will be featured below as my way of saying thank you!

I appreciate you so much!


Be Unbroken,


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