Self Hypnosis Instructions

Self Hypnosis Instructions

Jul 15, 2021

  1. Protect yourself from interruptions for 5-30 minutes. Turn down the phone ringer and lock the door.

  2. Sit or lie in a comfortable place.

  3. Find a point to focus on within your line of vision.

  4. Become aware of your breathing. Begin to visualize the air entering and exiting your lungs.

  5. Take a deep breath in, let it all out and say to yourself: relax now.

    Take a second, even deeper breath, filling the lungs, and let it all out saying: relax now.

    Now take a third, even deeper breath, filling your entire body to the tips of your toes and fingers then let it all out with all tension, cares and woes, saying: relax now.

  6. Continue breathing naturally now as you count slowly on each exhalation from 5 to 1 like this:

    (Exhale) FIVE – Eyelids growing heavy, droopy, drowsy, and sleepy.

    (Exhale) FOUR – Those heavy, droopy, drowsy eyes want to close right down.

    (Exhale) THREE – The next time I blink, that’s hypnosis coming on.

    (Exhale) TWO – Every breath carrying me deeper and deeper as those heavy eyes close right down.

    (Exhale) ONE – Close them, close them, close them, let go completely now and SLEEP.

    If you want to go deeper, start at 5 and count again, repeat as necessary.

  7. Now just continue to drift into hypnosis, every breath carrying you deeper and deeper into blissful slumber, every thought causing you to relax more and more.

  8. Now in this pleasant state of relaxation, you can talk with yourself, becoming more and more aware as every breath fills your lungs with life-giving oxygen, enriching your blood and nourishing every tissue and every cell of your body, removing all waste gases and expelling them from your body with every exhalation.

  9. You can now address any other issues you desire, be it pain, which slowly slips away, or any anxiety which can easily dissolve, or any habit which you would like to put away. In this relaxing place, you can simply carry on the regular form of internal dialogue, which you are comfortable with, keeping all suggestions positive and loving in nature.

  10. When you are ready to return to full awareness, count from 1 to 5 like this:

    (Inhale) ONE – Slowly, gently, easily, and calmly, I am returning to full awareness once again.

    (Inhale) TWO – Every muscle and nerve is relaxed and I feel wonderfully good.

    (Inhale) THREE – From head to toe I’m feeling perfect in every way, physically perfect, mentally perfect, emotionally calm, and serene.

    (Inhale) FOUR – My eyes begin to grow sparkling clear as if bathed in cool running spring water.

    (Inhale) FIVE – Eyelids open now, fully aware, refreshed, renewed, and invigorated.

  11. Take a deep breath now, stretch and smile.

    These instructions are meant as a guideline, as you grow comfortable with the process, feel free to substitute your own verbiage.

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