Writing a blog about coding and developing geospatial applications.
Thank you for your support in advance! 🙌
📃 Writing technical articles to share knowledge
🛠 Word Press
Pafta Bulucu
📃 It provides tools to help users to find sheet names of Turkey
🧪 https://github.com/Geomates/Gu.PaftaBulucu.Api
🛠 JavaScript | Node.js | .Net Core (C#) | AWS Lambda | Heroku Postgres | Heroku Dyno
Kandilli Earthquake Notifier
🌎 https://t.me/kandilli_bot | https://t.me/kandillisondepremler
📃 Notifies users based on their location and preferences when an earthquake happens in Turkey
🧪 https://github.com/Geomates/KandilliEarthquakeNotifier
🛠 .Net Core (C#) | AWS Lambda | AWS SQS | AWS DynamoDB | Telegram API
MTRCN WordPress Theme
📃 A clean and lightweight WordPress theme for developer blogs.
🧪 https://github.com/mtrcn/mtrcn-wordpress-theme
🛠 PHP | WordPress | SASS | Prism
Geohash Converter
📃 Simple and straightforward online geohash converter
🧪 https://github.com/mtrcn/geohash-converter
🛠 Bootstrap | jQuery | Github Pages | Geohash
Recent supporters

Callum bought 5 coffees.
Thanks for your "Build an SMS Forwarder with Raspberry PI Zero W and Waveshare SIM7000E hat"!! It helped me solve a frustrating little problem I had with my SIP mobile number not being accepted for 2FA by certain applications. Just posted about the solution on my LinkedIn and given you a shout-out!

Stephan bought a coffee.