New Year, New Updates!

New Year, New Updates!

Jan 05, 2024

I have never been a resolutions person, and I am not about to start now. But! I am a "take advantage of change" person, so that's going to keep going! Here are the changes and updates you might be interested in!

My job officially ended on December 31, 2023, so I am now either unemployed, self employed, or living the life of a lady who lunches, depending on your perspective. This also means that my full time job now is doing the things I said I will do this year, and with this platform, including launching my perfume business, and making dances!

Perfume work is coming along. I pestered two friends to give me briefs for the next piece of homework I have, so I am working on that in a more focused way. The assignment was "create solid perfume using x,y,z materials". I have enough material to experiment with, so I wanted to try to make an actual product, see how it performs, and how it travels (one version is going to Florida, the other to Pennsylvania). I also have several seminars that I am signed up for in the next two months through the Institute for Art and Olfaction.

I was getting my hair done yesterday, and I chatted with my amazing stylist about the perfume project, and we discussed some opportunities for promotion as well. The salon I go to has a winter small biz pop up shop supporting local women creators, so we discussed putting my work in the shop this coming fall/winter. Alongside that, the aforementioned Institute for Art and Olfaction hosts a scent awards at the end of each year, so the goal is to have something by the submission deadline that I am proud of, and want to submit.

Plus, lots of little things like business set up, researching LLC stuff, and taxes, and trademarks.

In dance news, lots more happening there as well! I mentioned previously that I am working on a piece with the awesome Katie Jenkins. Later this month we start setting rehearsal time, so that's going to be a lot of fun, and a lot of work.

Next week, you can actually see me and listen to me talk! I will be hanging out with Leigh from the Guild of Adult Ballet Artists on Instagram Live for Barre Banter! Join us at 4:30 pm (MST) on Tuesday, January 9th to watch live, or catch up later on IG. I will share the link once it is posted.

I am also looking for opportunities to teach dance, and do some other choreographic work, so things continue to move forward in interesting ways for the new year.

However, none of these opportunities pay just yet, so I am still sharing info here as a way to allow you and ten thousand of your closest friends to support my work. Sharing links, liking my content, and donating or subscribing are all ways you can help. Most of all, the sharing, the liking, the encouragement are the best ways to help!!

Until next time!

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