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Jim S hat 10 coffees gekauft.
Hey guys!! Thank you both so much for playing my Grateful Dead requests!! It looks like you guys are enjoying them so far. It’s a bit of an acquired taste but you’re getting on the bus. (That’s a phrase from the lyrics of the song the other one..the bus came by and I got on, that’s when it all began) I’ve sent another which is two songs and they are both cover versions. Me and my uncle is a cover of a 1963 John Phillips, of the mommas and the poppas, song and big river was written by Johnny cash. With these two you can see that they also play shorter songs. Not all of them are ten minutes each, lol. I want to say again how enjoyable you two are to watch! Do you have an address where I could have a couple Grateful Dead shirts sent to? Another song you guys should listen to as it seems like it fits you two is they love each other by the dead. Hope you had a great weekend!

Someone hat 9 coffees gekauft.