
Jul 15, 2023

I haven't posted here in quite a while. I'm still trying to figure out what platforms I want to focus on. I've been doing a lot of streaming on twitch, gaming most evenings and reading streams every night but Saturday. I've been reading Star Wars legends material on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and Non-fiction on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. I call that one my "Occult" stream, but haven't really read anything to occult like on it yet. But I will. Right now I'm reading, "The Problem of Slavery in Western Culture". It's going very well. I've gained a couple of followers since I started that book. It's almost time to put out a poll to find out what my viewers want me to read next. I do really want to get into something that is more in the occult realm, but there is some much that just skirts around the edges of it, that I also want to read, that I'm not sure what to read. I think letting my viewers have a say in it keeps them a bit more interested. Anyway, that's all for now, I'll try to post here at least once a week.

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