Mark Silva
4 sostenitori
Sneaky for just a little bit longer

Sneaky for just a little bit longer

Jul 14, 2022

Tuesday, I'll break the news to her. This is an excellent way that Evielynne can have something for herself. She's always working hard for others, certainly supports them, and ensures that they know they are liked by her. But often her job goes unnoticed or paid for that matter. This allows anyone to say "Hey Evielynne, you rock now go do something nice for yourself."

In the last month, she has been teaching me how to make videos and how to post things and it's starting to come together. And I know my being away is hard on her. Often I don't see her until 10pm. Of course in bits of 5 minutes here and there through the course of our day. But eating a meal together this summer is almost impossible. It's not what we envisioned so we are working extremely hard on that end.

So thank you for the gifts of appreciation. I tell her on Tuesday when I take her to a new coffee house. Be sure to follow along, because you can bet that there will be a video post being made.

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