Why Highway Hanna?

Why Highway Hanna?

May 09, 2021

The simple answer is that my nom de plume (this time around) is Hanna Maxwell. Yes, make no bones about it, Hanna Maxwell is NOT my actual name. Also, I am a traveler, a proud leather-tramp to be precise, though I'm looking to rubber-tramp a bit. That explains the Highway part. 

The Hanna in Hanna Maxwell is different...

Long, long, ago, I was a writer. I had a part time job on the side but I was mostly writing. I had a niche, I did really well in an age before internet, not just in my niche, I was branching out.  It ran its course as things changed though. I wasn't really worried about it, all was well. 

When I say things changed over time, I mean they really changed. For a long time, I was on the road too much to write consistently. It was one wild adventure after another, each one followed by a brief respite to write, get paid, replenish my resources, and get back out there, and out there I got.

More changes. Some totally out of my control. Some of the manifestations of those changes, I'm glad to have survived, and survive I did. And while I had to say adios to that other girl, I'm here to keep on truckin' and keep on writing. It's been far too long. 

So long in fact that well, the adventures are different. I'm older now and I have a daughter. Blessedly, for us the "adventure" hasn't ended. We're still floating. Sitting here in limbo. Changes, choices, necessity, circumstances... That's all I can say about that. Besides, none of it explains "Hanna" as a choice, I'm just rambling at this point. No reason. I just like it.

I've spent a lot of time trying to introduce Hanna Maxwell to the world, her predecessor had to run off into the sunset, the circumstances under which perhaps made Hanna a little gun-shy, not wanting to take the risk, not really needing to until now.  Yet, here we are in the throngs of a global pandemic and the one thing that has always remained exactly the same has stayed exactly the same, CHANGE

I'm just trying to survive in a world that chewed me up a bit and spit me out...

It's a whole new world and I am thriving in it. I want more than anything else to see others thrive in it too. I may not be thriving in the "traditional" sense but, oh well, BTDT, (or as close to it as I get at any rate.) At the end of the day, I love living. I love this amazing gift I've been given, this chance to live this life and the challenge of doing the very best I can, no matter the circumstances, and I'm nailing it. It's a new challenge every day and that is amazing. I'm bursting with Fruit Flavor and gratitude.

I'm here to demonstrate that humans are stronger and better than we are actually being and we all need to wake up to that in a genuine, lasting way. 

I'm not here to change the world, I'm here to help folks see that it needs change and the only way it's going to work is if we do it together.

Anyway, seems I'm taking the scenic route to getting to the point...I am Hanna Maxwell, the "Maxwell" is a nod to the Beatles, Maxwell was the one with the Silver Hammer. 

I'll always write, nothing will ever change that and I'll always belong to the road, that is why I am also known as Highway Hanna.

The pictures are not loading properly. They were...now they aren't, lol. Fortunately, it's a short piece.

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