I write, mostly about design and user experience, and sometimes about other issues I find write-worthy, including the occasional poem.
Most of my articles and essays are available on Medium and my personal website, but I also publish in various journals and magazines. If you're a lover of poetry, you can find my poems on Substack.
If you enjoy what I write and would like to support my work, a coffee is always highly appreciated. ☕️
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Bruno Alves bought a coffee.
Your article 'UX vs. Product Design vs. UI: The Never-Ending Battle' helped with a point I struggled with for months. Thank you for the asynchronous mentorship 🙂
Hi Bruno, thank you so much! That means a lot to me. I'd really like to learn more. What exactly were you struggling with? Best, Max

Hey Max, my pleasure. To give you better context, I labelled myself as a UX Designer throughout the last years, following a market convention. However, I feel this label is super confusing. You did a great job describing the problem (or at least it was a great collaboration to the discussion). The main point for me is accountability. No one alone should be accountable for UX because it's a multidisciplinary topic. I also like the argument that UX is not tangible for design because it's someone's perception. Based on your article, I changed my LinkedIn title from UX Designer to 'Digital Product Designer' to better define what I do. By the way, I shared your article with a design group that I participate in here in Toronto, Canada. We were discussing this topic last week. This confusion is common among us, especially for the juniors or people trying to enter the field. I believe we are in a transition phase in the market, and we will mature even more in this discussion. I think even the title 'Digital Product Designer' might not be ideal for most scenarios (again, because it sounds too broad for accountability). It might work well in small companies (where the designer might wear multiple hats). However, large companies might start to adopt more specialized titles for individual contributors. That is it! Cheers!
Hi Bruno, that's super interesting, thanks for the details. Re: "I think even the title 'Digital Product Designer' might not be ideal for most scenarios" - totally agree. A digital product designer has to be able to take care of the whole process to some degree, but there are also more specialized professionals. That's why within my team we're working on also introducing the titles "Digital Product Designer, focus on Design Research", "... focus on Interaction Design", and "... focus on Visual Design" to better cater for those specializations. Or, if you're super-specialized, you can just call yourself "Design Researcher", "Interaction Designer", or "Visual Designer". Again, thanks for the coffee and I'm super glad my article helped you :)

Guido bought a coffee.