Hello. I'm Matt Langford. For over two decades, I've been a web designer. In 2000, I started toying with Microsoft Frontpage and Macromedia Dreamweaver. While those tools are beyond obsolete these days, they set me on a path that I've loved.
My primary design work is now centered on Tiny Theme, Sumo Theme, and Bayou Theme (all for the micro.blog platform).
If you use the themes or have found my personal blog of any value, your support enables the continuation of those things. Tiny Theme, Sumo Theme, and Bayou Theme are available for free to all Micro.blog users and generate no direct income. The generosity of people like you will help secure its ongoing development.
Recent supporters

Daniel Rose bought a coffee.
Matt, I am grateful for your work on Sumo, Tiny, and Bayou and all the support!

marc0janssen bought a coffee.
Hi Matt,Great BaYou theme in micro.blog. Thanks and this is wel deserved. (btw. I do not have X but I could not choose micro.blog or Mastodon.