matt jardine
13 sostenitori
Teachers: the 4th emergency service...

Teachers: the 4th emergency service...

Aug 20, 2021

Teachers: I consider them the fourth emergency service.

Think that’s extreme? Try teaching a class of marauding children for a week. I think you’ll agree.

We all have that teacher we’ll never forget, the one who changed our lives without us realising. For me it was Mr Neale, my economics and geography teacher. Who was yours?

For many children, it will probably be today's guest.

Mr Bates (Ashley) is a man of many talents: teacher, producer, actor, director, internet sensation and all round brilliant bloke.

During lockdown, as trapped parents pulled out their hair while their ‘little darlings’, swung from the curtains, Mr Bates was conjuring up a plan.

With laptop and monkey in hand, he headed down to the bottom of the garden to his shed. 

And so was born the now world famous, ‘Shed School’.

As ever, I hope you love this episode, and please take the time to share it with someone you think might benefit.

Until next time.

Lots of love.

Matt and the team x 😊🙏🏻🙏🏻


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