About mattijsha
Hey 👋 I just created a page here. You can now buy me a coffee!
Recent supporters

Someone bought 3 Beers.
Thx for your work!
finally a compact card to make a UI of 15 shutters on a mobil phone in portrait mode with horizontal sliders for the position and a toggle switch to decide, wether to let it driven automatically or by hand.

Gerhard Lang bought a Beer.
Slider is a great card, thanks.

Sander Neugebauer bought a Beer.
The way to interact with these cards is just awesome! 👏👏

Hans Löwe Larsen bought a Beer.
Thank you very much. Hope you keep this updated! The rest of the familiy loves these cards in our UI.

capstan1 bought a Beer.
Thanks! These cards are exactly the thing I was imagining having from the beginning when starting with lovelace! Keep on your great work!