Healing is Remembering

Healing is Remembering

Sep 10, 2022

Most people were around two years old the last time they were their true self. This is when the conditioning system of reward and punishment comes into play. Parents want us behave in a certain way. If we do want they ant we are rewarded. Being “bad” gets us punished. Reward feel good so our behaviour, and beliefs, and actions and words are modelled after what parents want us to be.

When we heal, its also known as Self Discovery. This is sort of true but it’s feels familiar rather than an Aha discovery of who you really are. You have always been you, but hidden under layers of conditioning and shadows. 

We heal to return to our original empowered state. This is taken away mostly by our own unhealed caregivers who had a vision of what normal was, and wanted the children to be normal too.

At a soul-level we are beauty and whole. We come into this world pure and untouched, but highly vulnerable. We trust people who don’t know themselves, or what the word ‘self’ means.

The Healing Journey, the Spiritual Awakening, the Journey of Self Discovery and the Remembering Journey are all similar descriptions of the ultimate goal - the return of who we once we were. 

This is Earth School and we are infinite eternal souls. We come here with complete amnesia, and then are inundated with so much fear and trauma and lies and pain. This is the educational process, that often leads us to an absolute breaking point where we decide to continue living or exit out.

The path to greatness, or Earth School graduation, often involves rock bottom. Most reside in the comfortable middle, with the illusion of safety and security, and that where they shall stay. 

Without the awareness of being wounded, we will never heal. 

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