About _MasterEnderman_
creating Minecraft Modpacks
Minecraft Developer, Modpack Maintainer, Streamer, Nerd, Artist, Writer, Hobby Programmer, Introvert.
I mostly develop Minecraft Modpacks, which can be found Curseforge. Besides that I also work on a few small mods or help to maintain them. Furthermore I stream some of the development as well as some other Minecraft related content. So if you want to support my work consider buying me a coffee. Thanks in advance!
Since May 2022 I'm partnered with Akliz. Go check'em out!
Recent supporters
Klebi bought a coffee.
Für den besten Modpack Entwickler EU-West! c(^-^c)
Thorival bought 5 coffees.
Zerb bought a coffee.
Für den besten 😉